Saturday, July 23, 2011

Back from Gobi and into the forrest

So I am back from the Gobi desert and also from one National park in the middle of Mongolia..

It was really fuckin hot .. i dont know what we were thinking about going to the desert in July, but it was worth it. we went on top of a 300 meter sand dune.. and it was the hardest thing ive ever done so far. But once on top the feeling of conquering yourself and the view was undescribable!! we tried once during sunset and failed, so i got up at 5 am to go it before the sun came up and managed! It took about an hour so i coaght the sun rise from the peak!

since then we went camping by a lake and waterfall in the national park in tents. and went deeper into the park for three days by horse because there is no roads there. our asses hurt a lot!! but was amazing experience!

it has been a long time since i had a shower which wasnt a river... haha today was the first time in 2 weeks :D

we are now in Harhorin, the old capital during Ghingis Khan times, now a village, and we will go to some volcano today, and then north to some more fun things! We will end at Khovsgol lake at the border with russia and we will try to find a mysterious village people who live with reindeer. after that we will go west to the altai... i dont know about internet... so dont worry.


Vroni said...

Ich bin wirklich froh, dass ihr wieder in der Zivilisation seid! Bin gespannt was euch als nächstes einfällt ;-)

viel Spaß euch weiterhin!! Schicke dir ein dickes bussi aus den kalten Wien!

Marina said...

hehe... well Ich weiss es nicht ob man es wirklich zivilisation nennen kann, aber besser als wo wir waren.

als naechstes, wandern wir in den Norden (fast bis zur Russischen Grenze) eine sehr interesante Minderheit zu sehen. Die Tsaatsaan leute ( Reindeer People).

wir sehen uns in 3 wochen! (auf dieser seite)